The Netherlands | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so
that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and
eventful holiday.
Dutch coast | Feel the sand under your feet, listen to the breaking of waves and gaze over the sea: All this you can experience in a beach house along the North Sea.
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Kamperzeedijk-West
3.0 out of 5
An atraveo-customer wrote on 16/04/2018 in Dutch
“In de directe omgeving weinig mogelijkheden.Met de fiets redelijk/goed. Wandelmogelijkheden beperkt. Met de auto binnen 5 - 15 km veel mogelijkheden: Hasselt, Kampen, Zwolle, Zwartsluis, St Jansklooster, Giethoorn, Weerribben en Wieden. Veel viswater en vaarten om te kanoën.”
This review has been given for property no. 935467